Myofascial Release
An extremely effective form of bodywork that reduces pain, stiffness, and helps you return to an active lifestyle!
What Is Fascia & Why does it matter?
Fascia is a mobile connective tissue that surrounds and penetrates all muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and organs of the body all the way to the cellular level. It literally extends as a 3 dimensional web of fibers throughout the body from the top of your head to the toes.
It is essential to every body movement, organ and cell function.
Fascia becomes restricted or bound up by inflammation, surgeries, accidents, injuries, repeated motions, birth defects, daily activities, and poor posture.
Points of fascial restriction can exert tremendous pressure (up to 2000 psi) on any of these body structures to cause pain and impaired function.
Fascial restrictions can cause limited and painful movement or disease.
You may not be able to reach or stoop as far as you once could. Walking might be limited by pain. Running or biking could be impossible. Playing with your children or grandchildren may be hard to do. Organs may not function properly leading to disease due to inability of compressed cells to function properly.
Fascia does not show up on X-rays, MRIs, of CT scans.
Some healthcare professionals, including physicians, often disregard this vital body system because they were taught that it was insignificant. Recent research refutes this old way of thinking.
Unfortunately, many people suffer with undiagnosed pain for years without relief from medications, injections, therapy, and surgery.
The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach treats the fascial restrictions to restore movement, alleviate pain, and improve overall health.
What is Myofascial Release?
John F. Barnes Myofascial Release (“MFR”) is a unique hands-on treatment to the often-missed fascial system. During an MFR treatment, the therapist will manually apply gentle, sustained pressure to your body’s fascial restrictions. As the connective tissues unwind, pressure is released to relieve pain for authentic healing.
This process takes time because the fascial system cannot be forced. You will feel the changes in your body and in your pain. You will move more freely. You will be able to get more done in less time and enjoy life.
Each patient is an active participant in the healing process.
Self-treatment is taught to every patient for their specific needs in order to enhance the changes and pain relief achieved in the clinic. Patients heal faster and learn to self-manage their pain to avoid the need for surgeries, medications, and injections.
For more information regarding John F. Barnes Myofascial Release, you can visit his website:
Welcome to Myofascial Release - John F. Barnes, PT
Or Call Us at (614) 594-2400. Check out the Video below to see Fascia moving under the skin and to learn more.